Preparing Yourself For A Long Hospital Stay

Welcome to my site about tactics you can use to cope with hospitalization. I am Edward Collins. I created this site after a long hospitalization left me feeling uncomfortable and dying to go home. I was ill-prepared for the lengthy stay at that facility. Despite my nurses and doctors’ best efforts, I felt lonely, bored and somewhat isolated during my stay. On this site, I will help you prepare for hospitalization well before you need your next medical procedure. Please come by my site daily to learn the information you need to know. Thank you for visiting my website about preparing for hospitalization.

Choose Your Preferred Sedation Level For Your Colonoscopy

Health & Medical Blog

If your doctor is concerned about the health of your colon for any reason, they'll almost certainly schedule you for a colonoscopy. This simple procedure provides a detailed view of the inside of your colon. Your physician can assess the images and determine whether this part of your body is in good health or whether there's an issue that requires further attention and care. As you prepare for your colonoscopy, you can expect that your doctor will discuss sedation with you. There are several different sedation options to consider, with each one offering its own advantages.

Mild Sedation 

A lot of people favor mild sedation before their colonoscopy procedure. Mild sedation means that you'll be awake for the procedure, but relaxed enough that you aren't fully aware of everything that is taking place. Some light sedation will also help to calm you down, which is ideal if you're feeling a little anxious because this will be your first experience with this type of procedure. While you may feel a little groggy afterward, it will fade in a relatively short amount of time to allow you to continue with your day.

Heavy Sedation

Another option to consider is heavy sedation. This may be the right choice for you if you are feeling extremely anxious about the colonoscopy. The definition of heavy sedation can vary a little among medical professionals, but you can expect to be almost sleeping for some or all of the procedure. You'll likely be unaware of what is taking place, which may appeal to you. You'll feel quite sleepy for a while after the procedure, but you may feel that this is OK if you simply plan to go home and rest afterward.

No Sedation

While most colonoscopy patients favor getting some level of sedation, there are some people who request to have no sedation for this procedure. No sedation is permitted, although you can expect that your doctor or a nurse will discuss that you'll be aware of the feeling of the scope moving in your body — and want to ensure that you're OK with this. The big advantage of avoiding sedation is that you won't feel drowsy after your colonoscopy. If your appointment will take place on a busy day and you want to feel full of energy at work afterward, no sedation may be the best option for you. Discuss these three options when you book your colonoscopy.

To learn more, contact a company like Gastro Health.


10 January 2023