Preparing Yourself For A Long Hospital Stay

Welcome to my site about tactics you can use to cope with hospitalization. I am Edward Collins. I created this site after a long hospitalization left me feeling uncomfortable and dying to go home. I was ill-prepared for the lengthy stay at that facility. Despite my nurses and doctors’ best efforts, I felt lonely, bored and somewhat isolated during my stay. On this site, I will help you prepare for hospitalization well before you need your next medical procedure. Please come by my site daily to learn the information you need to know. Thank you for visiting my website about preparing for hospitalization.

Why Is Gastric Sleeve The Go-To Bariatric Surgery?

Health & Medical Blog

When bariatric surgery first become known a few decades ago, you would mostly hear about the gastric bypass procedure. These days, however, you don't hear about gastric bypass so much. The most common, preferred procedure is now gastric sleeve surgery. What is this procedure, and why has it become the go-to option for bariatric surgery? Take a look.

What is gastric sleeve surgery?

Like other bariatric surgeries, this one modifies your stomach to make you feel full faster, so that ultimately you eat less and lose weight. The name of the procedure comes from the fact that your stomach is turned into a sleeve-shaped tube. Most of the stomach is permanently removed; just a narrow tube of the stomach is left behind. The surgery is performed through several small incisions, using a camera for guidance. 

What are the benefits of gastric sleeve surgery?

In other words, why has this procedure become the preferred bariatric procedure? There are a few reasons to consider.

1. It leaves your small intestine intact.

Other, earlier versions of bariatric surgery often bypassed part of the small intestine. This did help patients lose weight, but it also reduced their absorption of nutrients and could contribute to nutrient deficiencies over time. Gastric sleeve surgery does not touch the intestine; it only modifies the stomach. Patients are therefore less likely to develop nutrient deficiencies over the years.

2. It's simpler for surgeons to perform.

To perform this surgery, your surgeon basically inserts a tube through your stomach and staples around the tube. Then, they remove all the stomach tissue on the opposite side of the staples. This is a faster, less involved procedure than the one to perform gastric bypass or other bariatric surgeries. As a result, the risk of side effects and surgical mistakes is lower. The patient also spends less time under anesthesia, which reduces the risk of side effects — especially in obese patients.

3. It's less likely to lead to bowel irregularities.

With other bariatric procedures that bypassed part of the intestine, some patients would develop constipation and diarrhea due to less complete digestion of their food. These issues are far less common in patients with gastric sleeves. Digestion usually continues as normal once the patient has healed; they just feel full a lot faster.

Gastric sleeve surgery is the preferred bariatric surgery for good reasons. Talk to your doctor about this procedure to determine whether it's right for you.


6 May 2021