Preparing Yourself For A Long Hospital Stay

Welcome to my site about tactics you can use to cope with hospitalization. I am Edward Collins. I created this site after a long hospitalization left me feeling uncomfortable and dying to go home. I was ill-prepared for the lengthy stay at that facility. Despite my nurses and doctors’ best efforts, I felt lonely, bored and somewhat isolated during my stay. On this site, I will help you prepare for hospitalization well before you need your next medical procedure. Please come by my site daily to learn the information you need to know. Thank you for visiting my website about preparing for hospitalization.

Voice Your Concerns Over Your Pregnancy and Make the Decision That Is Right for You


You may think that an unplanned pregnancy will overshadow your wish to move up the corporate ladder and become one of the prominent members of the workforce. This is especially true if you are wary about becoming withdrawn around others, missing days due to feeling sick or taking an extended amount of time off work. Right now, take care of yourself, receive counseling, and weigh your options in entirety.

Receive Counseling and Mull Over Your Choices

First off, you do not need to throw in the towel and assume that your job is in jeopardy because you are pregnant. You are not living in the dark ages, and there are laws that protect female employees. Being pregnant does not allow an employer to fire or demote an employee.

In fact, employees must be treated the same as they were before they became pregnant and allowances are given so that a new mother can take some much-needed time off of work. If you are still up in the air whether you wish to keep your baby, give it up for adoption, or have an abortion, speaking to a counselor will help you.

A pregnancy counselor, such as those at All Women's Clinic, won't sway you one way or the other. They will merely discuss each option that you have and will suggest that you think things over for a while before coming to a decision. 

If your finances are at the forefront of your worries and you do not think that you will be able to maintain your household with the addition of a baby, ask about free programs that are designed to help mothers support themselves and their children. 

Be Open with Your Employer

Your job duties may need to be modified for the time being if you decide to go through with the pregnancy. It may seem scary to break the news to your employer, but it is better to say something to them first before others notice your condition and reveal your pregnancy without your consent. Pick a time that others aren't present so that you will have privacy when speaking to your boss.

You might be more comfortable writing your employer a note that states that you wish to speak to them about a pressing matter. Your employer will set up a time to meet with you. Get right to the point and tell your boss that you are pregnant and that you plan on keeping your baby. Your employer will appreciate your honesty and will likely work with you to determine a schedule that will work well for your needs. 


25 October 2018