Preparing Yourself For A Long Hospital Stay

Welcome to my site about tactics you can use to cope with hospitalization. I am Edward Collins. I created this site after a long hospitalization left me feeling uncomfortable and dying to go home. I was ill-prepared for the lengthy stay at that facility. Despite my nurses and doctors’ best efforts, I felt lonely, bored and somewhat isolated during my stay. On this site, I will help you prepare for hospitalization well before you need your next medical procedure. Please come by my site daily to learn the information you need to know. Thank you for visiting my website about preparing for hospitalization.

3 Natural, At-Home Treatments For An Overactive Bladder

Health & Medical Blog

It's believed that about 15% of the population suffers from overactive bladder, a condition that's characterized by the sudden, strong urge to urinate or even loss of bladder control when coughing, laughing, or sneezing. If you believe you have overactive bladder, it's important to see your doctor for an official diagnosis. From there, you can begin to explore treatment options, which will likely include medications. Before you start taking a prescription for your overactive bladder, however, you may want to consider trying some natural, at-home treatment options.

Cut Out the Diet Soda

Many people drink diet sodas and other beverages with artificial sweeteners as a way of cutting down on caloric intake--especially while on diets. However, artificial sweeteners such as aspartame can irritate the bladder and cause you to have to urinate more frequently. Consider making the switch back to sodas made with real sugar or, better yet, cut soda out of your diet altogether and stick with water. Furthermore, try to avoid foods made with artificial sweeteners.

Reduce Caffeine and Alcohol Intake

Along with artificial sweeteners, it's also been found that both caffeine and alcohol can irritate the bladder and lead to a more frequent urgency to urinate. As such, those suffering with overactive bladder should try to reduce their alcohol and caffeine intake. Of course, this can be a challenge for those who rely on a morning cup of coffee to wake up and face the day, or those who like to unwind after a stressful day with a glass of wine at dinner.

Instead of caffeine, consider drinking a glass of orange juice in the morning, which contains vitamins that'll help energize you. If you decide to drink alcohol, try to limit your intake to weekends and stick with wine or beer, which has a lower alcohol content than most liquors.

Try Pelvic Exercises

Finally, work on strengthening your bladder muscles (and thus reducing your chances of bladder leakage) by doing some daily pelvic exercises. Specifically, try doing Kegel exercises at least a few times per day; these exercises involve squeezing the pelvic floor muscles (as you would if you were trying to stop urinating). The great thing about Kegels is that they can be done anywhere and can be extremely effective in strengthening the bladder muscles. For women, there are even Kegel weights available that can be placed in the vagina. Keeping the weights in requires contraction of the bladder muscles. Talk to experts like Alliance For Women's Health, Inc., for more information.


20 February 2015